Tuesday, September 18, 2007


penasehat = Panji kartiko
DUBES = Arief ruswanto
Deputi = M. Djajuli satibi
Sekretaris = Budi Raharjo, Andi setiawan, Anton Supriyanto
Bendahara = Sukamto
Humas = Arista Budiyono (gw sendiri)
Dept. Kreatifitas = Agoes rokok, Didit Gepenk, Wawan Dwi Raharjo
Dept. Event = Elza Aviyanto, pardianto, Ismail,
Dept. Pemberdayaan = Purnomo adi Nugroho, Subkhi "Ukhi" priantoro


Ultras are a specific type of sports team supporter group. They are mostly European and South American supporters of football teams.

This particular fan subgroup first appeared in Italy during the late 1960s when football teams reduced ticket prices in certain areas of the stadiums. The word ultra is Latin, which means radical in English. Since the early 1990s, the ultras subculture has increasingly become similar in style to the hooligan firm and casual cultures.[1] Violent acts of hooliganism by groups of ultras have led to some deaths.[2]

Ultra groups are usually based around a core group (who tend to have executive control over the whole group), with smaller subgroups organized by location, friendship or political stance. Ultras tend to use various styles and sizes of banners and flags with the name and symbols of the group. Some ultra groups sell their own merchandise such as scarves, hats and jackets. The ultra culture is a mix of several supporting styles, such as scarf-waving and chanting. An ultra group can number from a handful of fans to hundreds, and often claim entire sections of a stadium for themselves.

The four core points of the ultra mentality are:

never stop singing or chanting during a match, no matter what the result
never sit down during a match
attend as many games as possible (home and away), regardless of cost or distance
loyalty to the stand in which the group is located (also known as the Curva or Kop).
Ultra groups usually have a representative who liaises with the club owners on a regular basis, mostly regarding tickets, seat allocations and storage facilities. Some clubs provide the groups cheaper tickets, storage rooms for flags and banners, and early access to the stadium before matches in order to prepare the displays. Some non-ultras have criticized these types of favoured relationship. Some spectators criticize ultras for never sitting during matches and for displaying banners and flags, which hinder the view of those sitting behind. Others criticize ultras for physical assaults or intimidation of non-ultra fans.

Contents [hide]
1 Match Day
2 Hooliganism
3 Politics
4 Rivalries
5 Footnotes
6 See also
7 External links

[edit] Match Day

Fans of Derry City display a flag depicting Che Guevara.Before big matches, most ultra groups choreograph a large display, (sometimes known as Tifo) for when the teams enter. Ranging in size, based on financial capabilities of the group, the tifo has been displayed just in the section of the stadium where the group is located or the entire stadium. Sometimes small sheets of plastic or paper are held aloft to form a pattern or to colour the stadium. Other materials used include balloons, streamers, huge banners, flares, smoke bombs, and more recently, giant dolls (as used by Sampdoria's ultras in 2002). Pop culture icons are often used on banners, such as Alex DeLarge (from the movie A Clockwork Orange), bulldogs, or Che Guevara. Galatasaray SK's ultrAslan use large lion figures around the stadium in reference to them considering the club to be the king of Turkish football teams with the team name coming from the word saray, meaning the palace of Galata. Corporate brand logos and catchphrases are also often used. The displays, which can be expensive to make, often take months to prepare.

Some ultra groups, particularly in Italy, have animosity toward so-called modern football, which refers to all-seater stadiums, more expensive tickets, matches being played at non-traditional times (particularly evening matches), players being bought and sold like merchandise, and the excessive commercialization of football in general. Banners stating "No al Calcio Moderno" (Against modern football) is commonly seen in Italian stadiums, and have also appeared in other parts of Europe.

Ultra groups tend to be highly vocal at matches, with each group having several football chants. The melodies are mostly taken from popular songs, such as "Guantanamera". In most cases, a group leader, often using a megaphone, coordinates the various activities of the entire group, including chants, songs, and banner drops. Fanzines and websites play a big part in the ultra movement. As printing costs decrease and publishing software improves, fanzines have become increasingly more professional-looking.

[edit] Hooliganism
Although ultra groups can become violent, the vast majority of matches go ahead with no violent incidents. Unlike hooligan firms, whose main aim is to fight fans of other clubs, the main focus of ultras is to support their own team. Hooligans usually try to be inconspicuous when they travel; usually not wearing team colours, in order to avoid detection by the police. Ultras tend to be more conspicuous when they travel and like to arrive en masse, which allows the police to keep a close eye on their movements. When trouble involving ultras does break out, it usually takes the form of a political riot similar to the ones in Italy in the 1970s when the Carabinieri used the same tactics with the ultras as they did with the political activists. However, there does appear to be a crossover in some countries between ultras and hooligans. In Italy, when English club Middlesbrough F.C. played a match against AS Roma in March 2006, three Middlesbrough fans were stabbed in an attack that was blamed on Roma-supporting ultras.[3] Roma-supporting ultras were also blamed for an incident related to the club's match against English club Manchester United in Rome in April 2007, which resulted in 11 Manchester fans and two Italian fans being taken to hospital.[4] Spanish authorities have been concerned about ultra-related violence against supporters of other clubs, such as the murder of a Real Sociedad fan.

[edit] Politics

FC Porto Ultras Super Dragões, PortugalSome ultra groups are associated with specific political factions, which results in rivalries and alliances based on political allegiances. Some extremist groups distribute propaganda to members of ultra groups, to various degrees of success. Some ultra groups reject political symbols and forbid their members to display them within the context of the group.

Lazio's Irriducibili, Roma's Boys Roma and TDR, Paris Saint Germain's Boulogne Boys, Real Madrids Ultras Sur, Dinamo Zagreb's Bad Blue Boys and Hajduk Split's Torcida are known for displaying Celtic crosses and Swastikas. In Spain, the term ultra is understood primarily as ultraderechista (far rightist), and some Spanish ultra groups use Nazi symbols such as the runic SS logo. However, other ultra groups, such as Livornos Brigate Autonome Livornesi, A.C. Milan's Fossa dei Leoni, A.C. Arezzo's Fossa, Pisa Calcio's Ultras, Olympique de Marseilles Curva-Massilia, Celtic's Green Brigade and Hapoel Tel-Aviv's Ultras Hapoel are known for displaying flags with red stars, hammer and sickles, the anarchy symbol or images of Che Guevara. Fans of Ajax Amsterdam often display the Star of David and Israeli flags, and regularly chant "Joden! Joden!" (Dutch for "Jews! Jews!"), in reference to the club's Jewish roots. In Turkey, Beşiktaş JK's ultra group Çarşı has an A in its logo that is similar to the anarchy symbol.

[edit] Rivalries
Fierce rivalries between ultra groups can be found all over the world, although most of the larger rivalries are found in Europe and South America. The rivalries are often based around a basic animosity toward the rival team, mostly in derbies (e.g. Roma vs. Lazio, Torino vs. Juventus, Inter vs. Milan), and some rivalries are based on politics in addition to team difference (e.g. Livorno vs. Lazio). There have also been rivalries between ultra groups that support the same team; based on personal and/or leadership disputes. Sometimes ultra groups try to capture banners and flags of a rival groups; losing a banner or flag to a rival group is considered a big humiliation and the faction losing the banner is required to disband.


UEFA President Michel Platini has expressed his concern about outbreaks of hooliganism in football - and says the game will need the concerted help of higher bodies in an effort to deal with the problem.

Control organism
In response to recent fan-related troubles in several European countries, Mr Platini said at a briefing at UEFA headquarters in Nyon, Switzerland on Tuesday that he was in favour of the creation of an independent major control and surveillance organism to handle areas such as hooliganism, corruption and betting.

'Violent world'
"We live in a violent world today, and unfortunately, this violent world is transferred to within our preferred sport," Mr Platini said. "I don't know why people have to take football hostage through violence - people who come to matches to destroy, rather than do other things.

Not the image of football
"It is time something was done, we cannot continue like this. I think that the [recent] decision to stop football in Italy was a very good one, because it made people aware," he added. "The decision taken by the referee [René Temmink] to stop a match in the Netherlands [in 2004, because of spectators' racist conduct] was a good one. [Hooliganism and other negative incidents] are not the image of football that we want to give."

Simple solution
Mr Platini said the simple solution, but one which is complicated to achieve, was to ban troublemakers from the stadiums or from travelling to games. "However, given the freedom of movement on a territory, it is very difficult to stop people going into stadiums," he reflected.

Above sport
Another solution, he said, would be to create an independent control body which was above sport, and which had the approval of sports federations such as UEFA, world football's governing body FIFA and the International Olympic Committee (IOC). This body would deal not only with hooliganism, but also other negative elements that affect football.

Sounding opinions
"We have policing organisms for the internet and music, for example, but not for sport, which carries great importance in the world," the UEFA President said. Mr Platini added that he would be sounding out the opinions of interested stakeholders to move the idea forward in the coming period.

Heysel deaths
Mr Platini was a player with Juventus when crowd disturbances led to the deaths of dozens of fans at the 1985 European Champion Clubs' Cup final against Liverpool FC at the Heysel Stadium in Brussels. "Following this and other catastrophes at the time, the stadiums were rebuilt and renovated, and we have mainly solved the problem of violence in the stadiums," he explained, "but violence now happens [away from] the stadiums.

Football environment
"You have a group of people who want to fight another group, and they do so within the football environment. It is this that surprises me - they shouldn't stop our children and other people who want to go and see a [football] spectacle. If they want to fight each other, then do it on another day."

Hari ini, nasib Suharno ditentukan

Hari ini, nasib Suharno ditentukan

Solo (Espos) - Teka teki tentang masa depan Suharno di Persis Solo akan diputuskan Selasa (18/9) ini. Selain melibatkan jajaran pengurus dan manajemen, pertemuan akan dipimpin langsung oleh Ketua Umum Persis FX Hadi Rudyatmo.

”Rencananya besok (hari ini-red) kami akan menggelar rapat untuk membicarakan tentang pelatih. Soal waktunya menyesuaikan dengan jadwal Pak Rudy karena saat ini beliau sedang di Jakarta. Kemungkinan rapatnya siang atau sore,” ungkap Manajer Persis, Waseso, ketika dihubungi Espos, Senin (17/9).
Waseso belum bersedia mengungkapkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang akan diputuskan pada pertemuan tersebut, terutama soal nasib Suharno yang sejak 4 September lalu diistirahatkan. Ketika disinggung tentang kandidat pelatih baru, sang manajer juga belum mau membuka kartu.
”Pada rapat ini, Pak Harno tidak diundang. Beliau hanya akan menerima hasil rapat saja,” imbuh Waseso.
Dikonfirmasi terpisah, Suharno mengaku telah mendapat pemberitahuan soal rapat tersebut. Pemberitahuan disampaikan oleh Sekretaris Manajer Persis, Abraham EWT via telepon. Menyangkut hal ini, mantan pelatih PKT Bontang tersebut mengatakan akan menunggu hasil pertemuan dari kediamannya di Malang.
”Memang tidak ada pemanggilan, tetapi saya tadi sudah dihubungi oleh Pak Bram, yang intinya memberitahukan besok (hari ini-red) ada rapat manajemen untuk membicarakan kelanjutan karier saya di Persis,” ujar Suharno.
Suharno menggarisbawahi bahwa keputusannya untuk menunggu bukan berarti dia berharap kontraknya yang habis pada 22 September akan diperpanjang. Eks arsitek PKT Bontang tersebut mengaku siap menerima apa pun keputusan yang akan diambil untuk dirinya.
Terima keputusan
”Tanpa saya ternyata Persis menunjukkan perubahan positif. Saya menyadari mungkin belum memberikan yang terbaik untuk Persis. Jadi saya akan menerima segala keputusan, asalkan itu baik bagi Persis,” tuturnya.
Mengamati perkembangan yang terjadi, hampir dapat dipastikan Persis tak akan mempertahankan Suharno sebagai nakhoda Laskar Sambernyawa. Selama masa kepemimpinan Suharno, hanya sekali dia membawa Agung Setyabudi cs memetik angka pada laga away, yaitu saat menahan imbang PSIM Yogyakarta, selain itu seluruh partai tandang berakhir dengan kekalahan. Hasil yang paling kurang bisa diterima suporter adalah kekalahan dari Persijap di Stadion Manahan yang berujung pada penonaktifan dirinya.
Sebagai pengganti, kandidat terkuat tampaknya ada pada sosok asisten pelatih Eduard Tjong. Edu mendapat dukungan dari sejumlah tokoh sepakbola Solo dan juga Presiden Pasoepati. Ketua Umum pun tampaknya memberi sinyal positif terhadap Edu.
Sementara itu, setelah mendapat libur selama sepekan, sore ini seluruh skuad Laskar Sambernyawa dijadwalkan kembali berlatih di Stadion Manahan Solo. Pada latihan kali ini kemungkinan pemain belum lengkap karena Frank Seator dan Ebi Sukore sedang mudik ke negaranya masing-masing. Pelatih sementara Persis, Eduard Tjong, berharap seluruh pemain sudah hadir dalam latihan perdana

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Suharno dinonaktifkan

Solo (Espos) - Manajemen tim Persis Solo membuat langkah setengah hati dengan mengistirahatkan Pelatih Suharno selama dua hari.

Menurut mereka keputusan tersebut dibuat dengan alasan agar persiapan tim menjelang laga tandang melawan Persebaya Surabaya, Sabtu (8/9), tidak terganggu.

Penonaktifan Suharno itu diikuti dengan langkah manajemen tim menunjuk Asisten Pelatih Eduard Tjong dan Anshar Achmad untuk menangani tim selama dua hari ke depan.
Sekretaris Manajer Abraham ”Bram” Turangan mengungkapkan keputusan tersebut diambil karena proses evaluasi menyeluruh terhadap tim hingga saat ini belum rampung.
”Setelah mengevaluasi kinerja pelatih dan dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai hal khususnya persiapan tim melawan Persebaya, kami memberikan waktu cuti kepada Pak Harno selama dua hari ke depan,” kata Bram kepada wartawan seusai memanggil Suharno di Balai Persis, Selasa (4/9).
Seperti sudah dijadwalkan, manajemen tim Persis akhirnya memanggil Suharno, Selasa pagi di Balai Persis, menyusul hasil buruk Laskar Sambernyawa saat dipermalukan Persijap Jepara akhir pekan lalu. Pemanggilan itu juga dilakukan karena banyaknya tekanan dari Pasoepati dan masyarakat pencinta sepakbola Kota Bengawan yang menginginkan pemecatan Suharno.
Pertemuan yang berlangsung tertutup untuk wartawan kemarin tidak dihadiri oleh Manajer Waseso. Suharno hanya mendengarkan paparan evaluasi manajemen tim dari Bram dan Asisten Manajer Bidang Teknik, Frans ”Wewek” Setiabudi.
”Kami menilai banyak sekali tekanan kepada manajemen dan Pelatih, sehingga jika kami tidak memberikan cuti kepada Pak Harno, persiapan tim menghadapi Persebaya bisa-bisa tidak fokus,” terangnya.
Dalam dua hari ke depan, tambah Bram, manajemen tim akan mengambil keputusan apakah akan memperpanjang kontrak Suharno atau menghentikannya. Diungkapkannya, masa kontrak mantan pelatih Deltras Sidoarjo dan PSS Sleman itu di Persis akan habis pada 22 September.
Pengawasan Ketum
”Kami memberikan waktu dua hari bukan karena manajemen tim belum dapat gantinya (pelatih—red), tetapi ini murni untuk evaluasi yang belum selesai. Terus terang, kami belum mengumpulkan nama-nama pelatih sebagai ganti Pak Harno,” kata Bram diplomatis menjawab pertanyaan Espos.
Menurutnya, tugas-tugas kepelatihan dalam persiapan tim menghadapi Persebaya akan dilakukan oleh Eduard Tjong dan Anshar Achmad, dengan pengawasan langsung manajemen tim dan Ketua Umum (Ketum) Persis FX Hadi Rudyatmo. ”Pak Harno menerima keputusan ini,” tambahnya.
Disinggung soal perkembangan psikis pemain pascakekalahan atas Laskar Kalinyamat, Bram menyatakan beban mental itu berangsur-angsur mulai terkurangi. Dia mengharapkan Edu-panggilan Eduard Tjong-mampu mempersiapkan tim termasuk membenahi mental pemain menjelang pertandingan krusial di Stadion Gelora 10 November Tambaksari Surabaya.
”Sebagai pemain profesional, mereka (pemain—red) seharusnya juga tidak terpengaruh ketika Kamis (6/9), nanti manajemen tim memutuskan untuk menghentikan kontrak pelatih,” kata Bram



orang yang beruntung adalah orang yang hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin? bagaimana dengan kita. termasuk golongan yang untung atau orang - orang yang merugi.

sebuah pesan singkat muncul dilayar HP N*** jadul ku da tanggal 1 sep jam 19.30 Waktu indonesia bagian tangerang. sebuah pesan tertera dari Andi Pasoejak isinya singkat tapi padat " Piro Piro? aku lagi nunggu bojoku lahiran di rumah sakit?" betapa sebuah kecintaan yang berlipat ganda. mencintai istri dengan setia menemaninya di rumah sakit untuk mempersiapkan kelahiran buah hati tercinta. sekaligus menanyakan hasil pertandingan dari tim kesayangan kang andhi(persis). karena ANTV masih menanyangkan Persik VS Persela. maka aku segera sms mas wisnu (pasoepati bomber). menanyakan soal siaran live (soal e ANTV jarang nyiarke solo) balasan ya simple " tenang bos kick off jam 8. liat nanti patung arjuna manah di belakang gawang."

akhirnya keperawanan manahan jebol juga oleh tim yang diarsiteki mantan pelatih persis yudhi suryata itu.dan akhirnya aku menanyakan kondisi terakhir solo pasca kegadisannya direnggut persijap. "pasoepati gak anarkhis bos. kami terima dengan damai. paling tuntutan mundurnya harno" sebuah kelegaan yang luar biasa. mereka bisa menerima kekalahan denganlapang dada. walaupun sedikit terusik oleh pemberitaan bola selasa (4/sep) yang memberitakan bahwa asmar abu dan seator terkena pecahan kaca bus yang dilempari "oknum pasoepati". ah media sedikit di besar - besarkan pikirku dalam hati.

jam 00.00 (2/sep) aku sms mas andhi" pasca kekalahan 2-1 solo tetap kondusif. anakmu lanang opo wedhok" dan pagi mas andi baru bales " lanang". akhirnya keinginan punya anak lanang kesampean juga. karena mas andhi pengen anaknya nantinya jadi penerus agung setiabudi. Amien.

tanggal 3 september kemarin lagi - lagi Hp jadulku berbunyi Titt titttt. hehehehe. sebuah pesan yang no kontak nya belum aku kenal isinya "Salam pasoepati. mas arista, kita dari pasoecyber korwil dunia maya. atas banyaknya keinginan dari rekan - rekan pasoepati se indonesia.KITA INGIN MENGHIDUPKAN KEMBALI WEB PASOEPATI.ORG sebagai sarana media informasi update tantang persis solo dan pasoepati dengan realisasi secepatnya. maka dari itu kita butuh bantuan moril dan spirit dari rekan - rekan semua. bila berminat hubungi slank_pasoepati@yahoo.co.id atau no ini an. wedhuz... paoepaticyber militan tanpa batas".

seperti terbangun dari mimpi rasanya. kecintaan tentang solo kembali menyeruak.keinginan untuk menciptakan sebuah website tentang solo akhirnya kesampaian juga. lupakan kekhawatiran mas adhi hammaz tentang "berantem" di guest book. lupakan kekalahan atas persijap. lupakan berita tentang cerita miring oknum pasoepati di tabloid bola. satukan asa untuk meretas kembali kejayaan pasoepati dijama pak mayor yang menukangi. OJO WEDI DADI ABANG (terimakasih buat mas wedhuz yang berusaha mencarikan film mbak IRMA UNS tersebut).

buat kang andhi kostrad; anakmu jenenge sopo? semoga bisa menjadi penerus agung setiabudi walaupun pada saat yang sama agung dkk harus rela di di pecundangi persijap.

pokok e ojo wedhi dai abang. soale abang kui dudu setan